Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) are monopodial bamboo which grow in scattered state. Being a light demander species, it can rapidly spread over large distance and area if raised on the favorable site. Some of the key factors that need to be considered while planting Most bamboo in Nepal by the GBI are:
1. Location factor: We plant in forestry which locates in higher sea level, being appropriate elevation for Moso bamboo.
2. As Moso bamboo spread rapidly, it requires abundant space for additional growth. Each seeding costs around $2.5. In order to ensure the sustainability of the plantation, we collaborate with some community led projects, allowing the participation of poor communities who are directly benefitted by the bamboo plantation (increased income, improved working conditions, etc.)
Until today in 2022, we have numbers of families who participated in our initiative, being a Bamboo Plantation Committee in Kavre: the family of 1) Manoj Karki and Ratna Rokharel, 2) Bikram Dahal, 3) Kumar and Kanchi Thapa Magar, 4) Ram Kishor and Nirnala Thapa, 5) Raj Kumar and Sanu Maya Adhikari, 6) Aashish and Bhawani Thapa, 7) Kamal and Saraswati Sapkota, 8) Kaila Tamang, 9) Badri and Manju Adhikari.
Each family receives 33 bamboo seedings with an approximate area of 0.08 hectares, immediate employment in the amidst of pandemic and knowledge on Moso bamboo. Families can initiative other smilier projects independently in the near future using their experience and knowledge.
Moreover, the grasses and plants removed from the site for bamboo plantation can be used as fodder for livestock and fuelwood. We believe that our GBI has not only benefits to the local communities but also the advantages of protecting our environment with bamboo's extra ability in preventing local erosions, landslide, invasions, etc.
Bamboo harvested will be also used locally for construction or sold to a nearby market which has a very high demand of bamboo timber: bamboo baskets, small furniture - proving employment at local scale!