Please follow the steps below to access your loyalty account and redeem your offer:
- Log in into your loyalty account through the homepage of Bamboa’s website. Look for the icon REWARDS at the bottom right of the page. A pop up banner should appear when you click on the gift icon. You then have the option to join and become a member or sign in if you already have an account.
- Once logged in, you can see your Bamboo Points, the rewards available, the ways to earn more points or redeem your offer. Click on “Your Reward” to see the redeemable coupons according to your point balance.
- Click on the coupon you would like to unlock. The bamboo points required to use the chosen coupon will automatically be deducted from your balance.
- A discount code should appear. Click on the “apply code” button and then Copy paste this code.
You should also receive an email with your code if you wish to use it later or redeem your offer in store.
- Go to your cart and checkout. The discount should already be applied in the calculation. If not, in the “gift card or discount code” section, paste the discount code.
- Follow the checkout steps as usual.